Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Self-acceptance is such a gift.  I've been watching a lot of 'Bethenny Ever After' and I think part of why I love this bitch so much is because I can relate!  She got married, had a baby, and had her career take off all in the same year and I've had similar time condensed success.  I think for both of us while it looks as though these things came seemingly overnight, the groundwork was being laid years ahead of time.  Lots of goals, hard work, and therapy helped get me (and I believe her as well) to this place.

Recently, I have been struggling with, "What next?"  I'm in the second half of studying for the EPPP, I should be licensed a year from now, and I would like to begin expanding our family.  Of course, I'm such a planner and have difficulty remaining in the here and now, but it feels wonderful to take a moment and appreciate the present.  I think it's important for my sanity (and marriage!) for me to take a break from the goal setting and appreciate what I have because I have so much.  Darn that ever fleeting balance!  Just when I forget all about it it bites me in the tush and brings me back to reality.  This is exactly why my new year's resolution was weekly yoga classes.  Namaste.

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