Monday, April 28, 2008


I am awash in newly-in-love friends and strangely I find myself at a point when I am most enjoying being single. It is rather weird to be so out of synch with your friends. I moved to Austin in August of 2004 and became single again for the first time in years. After that I was a dating machine! That poll that ranks Austin as the #1 singles' scene is true. This is an easy town in which to date.

Granted, there have been times in the past 4 years when I've been single, but I don't know if I've ever been so content with it as I am now. It feels pretty good to not have someone judging you to see if you're worthy. It feels nice to not be anxious about a relationship. I tend to be a little anxiety-ridden in relationships and I'm working on that, but for now I'm just enjoying where I'm at.

Yes, I do have crushes. I'm still human! For instance, there's the intern at the counseling center (Tattooed and in touch with emotions? HOT!) and the guy at the bike shop (Athletic and intellectual? Nice.), but they mainly just serve as nice day dreams to get me through dissertation torture. No serious potential.

So, when my friends are telling me romantic tales of twitterpation I merely sit back and listen. I've been pretty hurt by the past couple of boys I've dated and I'm finding that the healing process has begun. It's nice to be dating myself. I'm going to go take myself out for a cup of coffee right now! :)


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

5 Things

I was perusing Ruth's blog and I loved this idea: “List 5 things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be “totally lame,” but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it.”

So, here are my 5 things (in no particular order):

1. My love for my cat. Yes, he's fat. And he howls, not meows, howls. And he gets litter and fur everywhere. He's adorably needy and cuddly and he follows me around everywhere and I love that! He's basically my bff. Sorry Jill.

2. Social networking sites. I spend waaaay too much time on these, but now that there's Scramble and Scrabulous and Word Twist I can challenge my brain and forgo the need to ever leave my desk. And I stalk people. Whatevs, like you don't.

3. My fam. I guess this isn't so lame, but I always just assumed everyone really loved and was very close to their families, but that's not the case. I talk to at least one family member a day. And I look forward to it! I spend my vacation time visiting my family. They are hilarious (well, most of them) and supportive and like to spend money on me (well, most of them).

4. Bad reality TV. The lower the budget, the better. I secretly watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Hills, Hogan Knows Best, The Real Desperate Housewives of Orange County, and now I'm ashamedly getting into The Real Desperate Housewives of NY. I wish to goodness Kathy Griffin's D List would come back on TV. That's good shit.

5. Writing letters. Who doesn't love to get some snail mail? I started writing letters when I went away to college and it tapped into my (shrunken) creative side. I decorate them with stickers and colored pens. Wow, I'm getting embarrassed just typing this! Believe you me, if you've been so lucky as to get one of my letters they do make you smile.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Health Scare

I am currently an 8th semester grad student.  Goddamn!  Seeing as how I would be a second semester senior if I were still in undergrad I have decided that my current lack of motivation is due to senioritis.  

In addition to senioritis I also have a travel bug.
  I went on vacay to the coast last weekend and it just made it worse!  In an attempt to cure this affliction I booked a trip to Mexico yesterday.  Of course, after I told people of this excursion I started to hear everyone's fabulous travel plans: Vietnam, South Africa, Thailand...come on!?  Okay, I get it, there are cooler places than Mexico, but I am thrilled about this trip so don't rain on my freakin' parade. 

I apologize for the whiny-ness.  I have a paper to write and my dissertation to continue and all I really want to do is hang out with my friends and drink daiquiris.  Oh, and nap.  And yes, watch the Office:)