Monday, April 28, 2008


I am awash in newly-in-love friends and strangely I find myself at a point when I am most enjoying being single. It is rather weird to be so out of synch with your friends. I moved to Austin in August of 2004 and became single again for the first time in years. After that I was a dating machine! That poll that ranks Austin as the #1 singles' scene is true. This is an easy town in which to date.

Granted, there have been times in the past 4 years when I've been single, but I don't know if I've ever been so content with it as I am now. It feels pretty good to not have someone judging you to see if you're worthy. It feels nice to not be anxious about a relationship. I tend to be a little anxiety-ridden in relationships and I'm working on that, but for now I'm just enjoying where I'm at.

Yes, I do have crushes. I'm still human! For instance, there's the intern at the counseling center (Tattooed and in touch with emotions? HOT!) and the guy at the bike shop (Athletic and intellectual? Nice.), but they mainly just serve as nice day dreams to get me through dissertation torture. No serious potential.

So, when my friends are telling me romantic tales of twitterpation I merely sit back and listen. I've been pretty hurt by the past couple of boys I've dated and I'm finding that the healing process has begun. It's nice to be dating myself. I'm going to go take myself out for a cup of coffee right now! :)


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