Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'll admit, when the show "The Office" came out I was feeling like the entertainment industry had no creative imagination since they obviously just stole the idea from the move "Office Space." Granted, they share the same white collar corporate setting and the main characters are white 30somethings, but I've come to love "The Office." So much so that I've been renting the DVDs, gluing myself to my couch, and only getting up for intermittent bathroom breaks.

A few thoughts: From season 1 to season 2 Kelly's character really sprang to life. I know that she's one of the writers for the show so I'm guessing that she focused on developing others' characters before finding her own groove.

If the bloopers reel is to be believed, despite his on-screen persona, Dwight has a hilarious sense of humor. His character is by far the most out there so it's understandable that he would crack himself up portraying Dwight.

Michael to Oscar: "Not because you're gay. Your gayness does not define you. Your Mexicaness is what defines you, to me. And I think we should celebrate Oscar's Mexicanity."

Michael: "I would like you to accept this cheque, for three hundred and forty dollars, made out to 'Science'. Make sure that gets into the right hands."

Michael (talking about the Dundies): "An employee will go home and he'll tell his neighbor, 'Hey, did you get an award?' And the neighbor will say, 'No man, I mean I slave all day and nobody notices me.' Next thing you know, Employee smells something terrible coming from the neighbor''s house. Neighbor''s hanged himself... due to lack of recognition."

Jan Levinson-Gould: "You already had a party on May fifth for no reason--"
Michael Scott: "No reason? It was the 05/05/05 party, it happens once every billion years."
Jan Levinson-Gould: "--and a tsunami relief fundraiser which somehow lost a lot of money."
Michael Scott: "No that was a fun raiser, I think I made that very clear in the flyers."

Michael Scott: "The Busiest Beaver Award goes to Phyllis Lappen! Yeah! Way to go, Phyllis! Nice work! Her usual!"
Phyllis: "It says 'Bushiest Beaver'."
Michael Scott: "I told them busiest... idiots!"

Kelly: "I never really thought about death, until Princess Diana died. That was the saddest funeral ever. That and my sister’s."

Michael Scott: "Last week I would've given a kidney to anyone in this office. I would've reached right into my stomach and pulled it out for them. But now, no. I don't have the relationship with these people that I thought I did. I hope they ask, so they can hear me say, 'Uh, no, I only give my organs to my real friends. Go get yourself a monkey kidney.'"

Toby: (Casino Night) "Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children since it's, uh, you know. There's gambling and alcohol... And it's in our dangerous warehouse. And it's a school night. And, you know, Hooters is catering. You know. Is that- is that enough? Should I keep going?"
Michael Scott: "Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be."

Angela (on Drug Testing): "I used to get a runner's high. That's why now I lift." (Deleted Scene)

If you have any fav Office quotes, please post them!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fuck 'em Bucky

Wisconsin is, yet again, in the Big 10 basketball championship game. Boo-ya! Yes, I'll admit, when I was an undergrad someone told me that Wisco was in the Final Four and my astute reaction was, "Yessssssssssss! What's the Final Four?" But I've learned! Oh how I've learned.

Our beloved Bucky Badger will take on the Native-American-slighting Fighting Illini at 2:30pm today. Godspeed boys, Godspeed.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The New Cary Grant

I watched Michael Clayton last night and it was really good. So good, in fact, that I woke up and just stayed in bed thinking about it. Well, mainly I was just thinking about George Clooney. He's funny and handsome and fighting worldwide hunger and actually a damn good actor and director, so why is he dating some Vegas cocktail waitress half his age?

It just doesn't make sense. You would think after seeing his good friend, Brad Pitt, be with a single mom who is trying to save the world (Although she is definitely an odd duck. Vial of your hubby's blood around your neck? Making out with your bro at the Oscars?) and his friend, Matt Damon, marry a single mom (Yes, I know she was a bartender, but she's not that attractive and is at least of legal age.) he would grow up a bit.

How can someone be so sophisticated in their professional life, but SUCH a cliche in their personal one?

Male evolutionary drive aside, here is a hilarious and politically relevant video of George and Brad up to their shenanigans.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tiny Tales

I spent a lovely day at the bookstore yesterday and came across an unexpected jewel in the "self-help" section. It's a little book...you know, those annoying miniature books that don't quite fit on your shelf with your grown up books and never have anything all that original or insightful to say.

Anyhoo, I had about 4 "real" books in my hand and was attracted to the cover of "Looking for Mr. Right" by Bradley Trevor Greive. He actually tells a funny, yet thoughtful tale about the dating process. It's accompanied by hilarious photos from the 1950s.

Here's a blurb from a few pages, but this just does not do it justice without the accompanying pictures:

"In your heart you know how life is supposed to turn out. We've all seen how Mother Nature brings two creatures together in the right place at the right time.

They then fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

And so you ask yourself: "If a penguin can have a worthwhile, stimulating relationship, why the hell can't I?"

Or maybe you ask yourself: "Would I be happier if I started dating a penguin?""

After reading as many of his little books as I could get my hands on I ended up buying this one and "The Meaning of Life" for friends. I also liked "The Blue Day Book" (as I'd been having a blue week) and "The Book for People Who do too Much" (I almost bought this one for a friend, but I thought she might be a little offended).

Who knows, maybe I'm a little book convert. Or maybe this guy's just exceptionally good at writing in simple, uncluttered prose. Or maybe I wanted something I could read and finish while sitting in the bookstore. Probably all of the above.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

All I Want for Christmas...

Holy shit! Here I was enjoying my Sunday morning drinking a cup of coffee and perusing articles on the internet when I came across the most amazing invention since the flat iron. The CatGenie is the answer to a feline lover's prayers! (Metaphorically speaking, of course, as I'm not one to pray.) Never touch cat litter again? Yes! Never scoop my cat's poop? Sign me up! Never have to be disgusted by the noxious smell after kitty "uses the facilities?" Please! I'm adding this little gem to my wish list of graduation gifts. There will be a registry so no need to write it down.