Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tiny Tales

I spent a lovely day at the bookstore yesterday and came across an unexpected jewel in the "self-help" section. It's a little know, those annoying miniature books that don't quite fit on your shelf with your grown up books and never have anything all that original or insightful to say.

Anyhoo, I had about 4 "real" books in my hand and was attracted to the cover of "Looking for Mr. Right" by Bradley Trevor Greive. He actually tells a funny, yet thoughtful tale about the dating process. It's accompanied by hilarious photos from the 1950s.

Here's a blurb from a few pages, but this just does not do it justice without the accompanying pictures:

"In your heart you know how life is supposed to turn out. We've all seen how Mother Nature brings two creatures together in the right place at the right time.

They then fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

And so you ask yourself: "If a penguin can have a worthwhile, stimulating relationship, why the hell can't I?"

Or maybe you ask yourself: "Would I be happier if I started dating a penguin?""

After reading as many of his little books as I could get my hands on I ended up buying this one and "The Meaning of Life" for friends. I also liked "The Blue Day Book" (as I'd been having a blue week) and "The Book for People Who do too Much" (I almost bought this one for a friend, but I thought she might be a little offended).

Who knows, maybe I'm a little book convert. Or maybe this guy's just exceptionally good at writing in simple, uncluttered prose. Or maybe I wanted something I could read and finish while sitting in the bookstore. Probably all of the above.

1 comment:

Jen said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but have you seen this website? People submit dreams they've had about the presidential candidates and you can read them. I submitted one I had about Barack, but they haven't put it up yet.

Very good procrastination website!